99dokan created a big impact for our company, this is a new milestone we achieved, 99dokan has a good customer base for it's highly optimized features, we are offering 3 package for this, small business owners are showing interests.
15 Key features:
1. Fast reloading, very optimized project.
(as we are enthusiast software engineers in this industry we can guarantee it, it's a very optimized project)
2. Login or without login order, easy to place order
3. Fully admin controlled content, every line of content manageable from admin
4. Coupon system with proper settings like (min order amount, user limit, per user order limit, active date, expiration date, discount amount or percentage etc)
5. Full free shipping system, if admin free shipping settings 100 means, any customer order above or equal 100 will get full free shipping. Admin can control settings.
6. Single product free shipping
7. Multiple delivery method setup by admin settings (ex: normal delivery, standard delivery, express delivery). Charge has two parts - method charge, product weight charge
8. Vat system
9. Swatch variation system in product details, on click variation image will change.
10. Inteligent search system
11. Blog post added, it will help you to reach out your business, also benefited for SEO
12. Every page is SEO friendly, also meta friendly, if you share any image or blog it will show it's image.
13. Sales report, Product and Stock Report, Coupon Report, Customer Report
14. User friendly optimized customer dashboard
Those are very unique tecnical features:
15. Attractive and optimized admin panel (if any item deleted who has image then image will be deleted from storage, so that storage will be so optimized and space friendly).
***If you have million of products or order or any other data, admin won't be slow, admin reload time will be the same as now, we designed every page with this architecture.
Database has a unique design and very optimized, no garbage data in database.
and has much more...